Friday, February 22, 2013

Coffee Addiction Cured -- Here's How.

For those of you who do not know, colon hydrotherapy is a colonic that forces low-pressures streams of water into the colon to flush out the intestinal tract and encourage better overall health. Doctors generally prescribe colonics in preparation for medical procedures; but many people, like me, are using them to improve health by removing toxins, promoting healthy intestinal bacteria, boosting energy and enhancing the immune system. (You can read more about it here.)

While most doctors argue that our digestive system removes toxins naturally, I disagree. (In my humble opinion), our bodies were not designed to eat processed food. I don't have to tell you what fast food, fried food or refined sugar does to the body. You can see and feel what it does to your body. So for me, a colonic flushes out all of the waste that accumulated over the years. You cannot tell me that 30 years of food from McDonald's and Burger King and Roy Rogers is used or even fully eliminated by our body. Of course not! You can see how it has stuck to our belly during this time. So, after thinking and researching for months, I decided to face my fears and do it.

Me, Nurse Bobbie & one of my friends
Some friends and I made an appointment with Serenity Health Care in Charlotte. (I wasn't going to go alone!.) When we arrived, nurse Bobbie quickly made us feel at ease. She explained the process and after undressing and putting on a hospital gown, I told her I was worried about the tube she was going to use. Bobbie laughed and said it wasn't as bad as I thought. And you know, she was right. I had imagined, well, --- I'm not gonna describe what I imagined but it wasn't bad at all.

During the first 15 minutes, I felt next to nothing. And nothing was happening. She kept flushing the water "up there" but eventually took to massaging my stomach. Five minutes of that, I started to feel terrible. The pain in my stomach felt like I was having contractions. And then it started happening. The waste flushed out and soon after, my procedure was over.

Bobbie explained that I could only eat soup (vegetable and pureed) for the next 24 hours. And after that, I needed to replace the good intestinal bacteria with Acidophilus and avoid raw vegetables and meat. I also needed to drink plenty of water, herbal teas and electrolytes.

And I had a follow up appointment next week. Ugh!

I followed her instructions to the letter, but the first 24 hours were terrible for me. I felt deathly ill. I had no energy, no appetite and felt like I was getting the flu. I learned later that only a small percentage of people feel ill afterwards. My friends felt fine. As a matter of fact, they went to work right after!

When I woke up the following day, though, I felt fabulous! I had energy and for the first time in decades, I did not feel the need for coffee. And that's a big thing for me. I never imagined NOT drinking coffee. But, Bobbie said I needed to come back. She told me that I would not see a difference in my belly with one treatment. So, while I feel great and my diet has been impeccable, I'm looking to see if I can lose inches off of my belly.

Can't wait for next week!

Friday, February 15, 2013

Why You Should Drink Alkaline Water

I joined a running group to prepare for my first half marathon. Due to my husband's class schedule, I was only able to attend one session. But the information John Lineberger provides before each run and via email was well worth the $49 sign up fee alone.

He gave a demonstration showing how not all water is the same. He tested 10 different brands to determine their alkaline level, and revealed to us that the brands with the bigger claims are no better than the spring water you find at gas stations. The alkaline bottled water you should drink everyday is the Harris Teeter brand and Deer Park.

Here's why:

"When healthy, the blood pH is 7.365, the pH of spinal fluid is 7.4, and the saliva pH is 7.4 - these are all slightly alkaline. So the ideal blood pH measurement means it is more alkaline than acid. It has been determined (by doctors) that an alkaline body is more conducive to health and well-being than an acidic one. But, a body which is more acidic heightens the risk for infections from bacteria, yeast, parasites, and viruses (all of these seek out and thrive in an acidic environment).

Not only are you more susceptible to infections such as colds and the flu but also degenerative diseases like cancer, arthritis, heart disease and osteoporosis are promoted if your pH is consistently acid. Furthermore, populations of bacteria, fungi, yeast, viruses, etc. may be thriving throughout your body without causing acute disease, yet producing copious acid waste products. These stealth infections may underlie a variety of degenerative conditions. Bacteria are found in arthritic joints, arterial plaque, and many other places. If disease is to be prevented or successfully managed, an acid pH must be overcome.

It is the minerals in water that give us energy ---- distilled, steam distilled, RO (Reverse Osmosis) Water, and water that claims a 16 stage filtering process, and Purified water, have NO minerals in them and thus cannot supply energy. They also can dilute the electrolytes in your body, costing you energy!

If you drink a bottle of water that has a PH of 4.0, as Dasani or Aquavina ----then you are only diluting the minerals in your body and the energy levels can fall. Note that the 2 best selling waters, Dasani and Aquavina, are definitely pure --- but they have been filtered to the extent there are no minerals in them and they are acidic and only add to the lactic acid build-up in your muscles, since they are a 4.0 PH."

If you are a runner or do any type of endurace training, you should especially drink alkaline water. It will neutralize lactic acid buildup in muscles and reduce muscle soreness even on runs as long as 20-23 miles.

Alkaline isn't just in the water. You can also adopt an alkaline-rich diet which is essentially eating "clean" -- raw fruits and vegetables, no processed foods and no sugar. Here's a food chart for a list of the best/worse alkaline foods.

According to his website, pH Mircale Living, Dr. Young explains the benefits of eating alkaline-rich foods. And he argues that fat is a sign of an overly acidic body:

"Obesity is an acid problem, not a fat problem. The body protects itself against acidic lifestyles and diets by making and using fat. Think of fat as your parking places for environmental, dietary, and metabolic acids that are not properly eliminated via urination, perspiration, defecation and/or respiration. You can now say that fat is saving your life. Thank you fat! Be glad that fat was not accumulating inside your veins and arteries. At least collecting on your hips and belly you could see the fat and decide if you want to do something about it."

Since learning this, my family has been drinking alkaline water and increasing our intake of alkaline rich foods. Even my 9 year old son says he feels different, better. We get our water from Charlotte Wholesale Supplements for $0.25/gallon.

Annette Larkins
And as I'm writing this, I'm reminded of the 70 year old Florida woman, Annette Larkins, who looks like she's in her 30s. Basically, she's been eating clean or subscribing to an alkaline rich diet for over 27 years! So if you're looking for proof, watch the video below.

Friday, February 8, 2013

IR -- Injured Reserve.

I haven't updated this blog since September. When I went to Atlanta for the Drive to End Hunger 10k race, my knee popped as I was running downhill. I tried to walk/run, but I was having too much pain. At mile 2, I relented and an officer drove me to my car where my husband was waiting.

We immediately went to the ER and the doctor took an x-ray. He said I had a strained MCL, prescribed an anti-inflammatory and pain killers and sent me on my way. I was ordered to rest for 4 weeks, so I did.

Four weeks up, I went to OrthoCarolina because my knee wasn't any better. The doctor there told me that a strain, sprain or tear cannot be diagnosed via x-ray. So...she did some tests and concluded I have quadricep tendonitis. She did not want to give me an MRI and said rest should be able to fix it. Well, I had been resting! Frustrated, I took her advice and rested some more.

Well, kinda. I had promised my friend that I'd be there for her very first 5k. I couldn't miss that. So, aside from the Glo Run in DC, I did nothing. The Glo Run, might I add, was a lot of fun! That's definitely a race I'd do again.

So, it's November and I still can't run without pain --- scratch that: I can't walk, squat, climb stairs, etc. without pain. My trainer, who couldn't do much with me, recommended I go see a chiropractor. I finally agreed an make an appointment with Greenapple Sports & Wellness.

Just so you know, I am a believer in chiropractors. My first experience was in 2007 after a car accident. Instead of prescribing drugs which only mask the pain, the chiropractor worked on my injuries and after a few months, I was better. So I wasn't expecting any less.

And Dr. Cooper exceeded those expectations. At my first appointment, he used electrical stem, infrared laser and massage. He explained that my injury is common and that I'd be back running in no time. Then he gave me a spinal adjustment. When I stood up, the knee pain was totally gone!

Skeptical? Here's an explanation as to why an adjustment can alleviate knee pain:

"Chiropractic adjustments can help sore knees and are most effective when combined with complementary corrective exercise. Knee pain is commonly caused by muscle imbalances and structural misalignment around the hip, knee, and ankle joints brought on by poor posture, overuse & repetitive stress, and physical trauma. Chiropractic adjustments of the hips, spine, and patello-femoral joint can help to mobilize the joints back into the proper alignment for your body. This can alleviate joint stress, reduce inflammation, and facilitate healing of the joint and surrounding soft tissue. When combined with corrective exercises that complement and reinforce your adjustments, treatment can be very effective."

After the adjustment, his assistant gave me exercises to strengthen my hips. Although I haven't been doing them everyday and I am not yet 100%, I have definitely seen an improvement in my running form. I've been seeing the chiropractor for 2 months now and am ready to stop treatment.

I'm training for the Diva's half marathon in Myrtle Beach, SC and will see Dr. Cooper monthly to maintain alignment and balance.