10k Preparation

I decided not to run 11 miles on Saturday. My very first 10k is the following week so I'm going to spend the week doing short runs, yoga and stretching. Instead, I ran 6.2 miles. I was curious to see if my time had improved since June.

I love running between 9-11 am and fortunately, the weather was perfect, not at all humid and a nice 72 degrees. So after a warm up and nice stretch, I headed out the door. Looking for something a little different, I opted for my hip hop playlist as opposed to alternative rock. I always run to alt rock and decided to give Jay-Z and 'em a chance. :-)

The first mile is literally uphill, but I remembered my hill training and took small quick steps while pumping my arms. I used to trudge up as fast as I could, but I realized that if I conserved my energy, I would still have enough energy to run as opposed to stopping to catch my breath when I reach the top.

After mastering that hill, I was rewarded with mostly flat roads for a few miles. Also, they were mostly shaded so I was fortunate to avoid the sun. It was getting a bit hotter.

What I love most about running in my neighborhood is the view. Check out views from mile 2.

Gorgeous right? There were a lot of other runners out enjoying the views as well. I always make a point of acknowledging everyone. Some don't respond...used to bother me but it doesn't anymore. I just keep it moving. Literally. :-)

So, for the first 3.1 miles, I was purposely backing off on my pace. I wanted to stay at 12 min pace per mile but my watch doesn't chime if I'm over/under. The reason for this was so I could conserve my energy for the last 3.1 miles and run at 11 min pace per mile. It's called a negative split, making the last few miles faster than the first. I want to train my body not to gas out at the end of a run.

So heading back, I picked up the pace. There were some small hills that kept me from an 11 min pace but oh well. My body doesn't have the endurance for that pace just yet. I was a bit disappointed; I really wanted my last miles to be faster than my first.

So, once I arrived home & showered, I uploaded my data. I was pleasantly surprised to learn that I did achieve a negative split -- for the most part. (Those darn hills!) And, when I looked back on the 6.2 miles I ran in June, my time did improve...not by much, but I'm thankful for every little minute I lose.

August 18
June 19

Workout WifeyTM

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