Friday, February 8, 2013

IR -- Injured Reserve.

I haven't updated this blog since September. When I went to Atlanta for the Drive to End Hunger 10k race, my knee popped as I was running downhill. I tried to walk/run, but I was having too much pain. At mile 2, I relented and an officer drove me to my car where my husband was waiting.

We immediately went to the ER and the doctor took an x-ray. He said I had a strained MCL, prescribed an anti-inflammatory and pain killers and sent me on my way. I was ordered to rest for 4 weeks, so I did.

Four weeks up, I went to OrthoCarolina because my knee wasn't any better. The doctor there told me that a strain, sprain or tear cannot be diagnosed via x-ray. So...she did some tests and concluded I have quadricep tendonitis. She did not want to give me an MRI and said rest should be able to fix it. Well, I had been resting! Frustrated, I took her advice and rested some more.

Well, kinda. I had promised my friend that I'd be there for her very first 5k. I couldn't miss that. So, aside from the Glo Run in DC, I did nothing. The Glo Run, might I add, was a lot of fun! That's definitely a race I'd do again.

So, it's November and I still can't run without pain --- scratch that: I can't walk, squat, climb stairs, etc. without pain. My trainer, who couldn't do much with me, recommended I go see a chiropractor. I finally agreed an make an appointment with Greenapple Sports & Wellness.

Just so you know, I am a believer in chiropractors. My first experience was in 2007 after a car accident. Instead of prescribing drugs which only mask the pain, the chiropractor worked on my injuries and after a few months, I was better. So I wasn't expecting any less.

And Dr. Cooper exceeded those expectations. At my first appointment, he used electrical stem, infrared laser and massage. He explained that my injury is common and that I'd be back running in no time. Then he gave me a spinal adjustment. When I stood up, the knee pain was totally gone!

Skeptical? Here's an explanation as to why an adjustment can alleviate knee pain:

"Chiropractic adjustments can help sore knees and are most effective when combined with complementary corrective exercise. Knee pain is commonly caused by muscle imbalances and structural misalignment around the hip, knee, and ankle joints brought on by poor posture, overuse & repetitive stress, and physical trauma. Chiropractic adjustments of the hips, spine, and patello-femoral joint can help to mobilize the joints back into the proper alignment for your body. This can alleviate joint stress, reduce inflammation, and facilitate healing of the joint and surrounding soft tissue. When combined with corrective exercises that complement and reinforce your adjustments, treatment can be very effective."

After the adjustment, his assistant gave me exercises to strengthen my hips. Although I haven't been doing them everyday and I am not yet 100%, I have definitely seen an improvement in my running form. I've been seeing the chiropractor for 2 months now and am ready to stop treatment.

I'm training for the Diva's half marathon in Myrtle Beach, SC and will see Dr. Cooper monthly to maintain alignment and balance.